This section covers a variety of advanced topics.
How Black Duck Docker Inspector discovers dependencies
Black Duck Docker Inspector discovers dependencies in the target image by making a request to an image inspector service (running inside a container). The image inspector service works as follows:
- Reads the target image, and constructs the file system that the container would have at time zero if you were to run the image.
- Finds the linux package manager database in that file system.
- Runs its own linux package manager (invoking its "list" function: "dpkg -l", "rpm -qa --qf ...", or "apk info -v") on the package manager database from the target image to generate the list of packages installed in the target image. If the package manager database type of the target image does not match the image inspector's package manager type, the image inspector will redirect the request to the image inspector that can process the target image (which starts again at step 1).
- Translates that package list to BDIO and uploads it to Black Duck, or returns it to the the caller (e.g. Synopsys Detect) to upload to Black Duck.
- Returns the constructed file system to the caller (e.g. Synopsys Detect) for signature scanning.
The user ID and group ID of the image inspector service process will (in general) be different from the user ID and group ID of the Black Duck Docker Inspector process. Consequently, the the environment must be confugred so that files created by Black Duck Docker Inspector are readable by all. On Linux, this means an appropriate umask value (for example 002 or 022). On Windows, the working directory must be readable by all. In addition, the permissions on a Docker tarfile passed via the docker.tar property must allow read by all.
Enabling file sharing in Docker
Docker may restrict file sharing to certain directories that you've configured in Docker > Settings > Resource > File Sharing. To enable Black Duck Docker Inspector to mount the volumes that it needs, you may need to enabling file sharing for directory $HOME/blackduck.
Organizing components by layer
By default Black Duck Docker Inspector will produce BDIO containing a component graph consisting only of components (linux packages).
Alternatively, you can direct Black Duck Docker Inspector to organize components by image layer
by setting property
Run this way, Black Duck Docker Inspector will produce BDIO containing image layers
at the top level of the graph, and components associated with each layer appearing as children of that layer.
This structure is visible in from the Black Duck project version Source display.
A side effect of this components-under-layers graph structure is the categorization by Black Duck of all components as Transitive.
In the BDIO, layers are named Layer{index}_{layer digest}
, where {index}
is a two digit index starting at 00 to indicate layer ordering
within the image, and {layer digest}
is the layer digest with ":" replaced with "_".
For example, the first layer of an image could be named:
Because this feature produces BDIO in which the same component may appear at multiple points in the graph, only Black Duck versions 2021.8.0 and newer have the ability to correctly display graphs organized by layer, and only if Admin > System Settings > Scan > Component Dependency Duplication Sensitivity is set high enough to avoid removal of components that appear multiple times in the graph (at minimum: 2).
When organizing components by layer, you must also choose whether or not to include removed (whited-out) components in the output.
Including removed components
If you include removed components, Black Duck Docker Inspector will produce BDIO containing a graph with image layers at the top level. Under each image layer it will include all components present after the layer was applied to the file system (including components added by lower layers that are still present). If a component is added by a lower layer but later removed (whited-out) by a higher layer, it will not appear under the layer that removed it or any higher layer (unless/until it is re-added by another layer).
The benefit of using this mode: for every component added by any layer, you can see where it was added, and where it was removed (if it was).
The downside of using this mode: components added by a lower layer but removed by a higher layer will appear in the BOM, even though they are not present in the final container filesystem.
To include removed components, set property bdio.include.removed.components=true
Excluding removed components
If you exclude removed components (the default), Black Duck Docker Inspector will behave as described in the section above except that components not present in the final container filesystem will not appear on any layer in the BDIO graph.
The benefit of using this mode: components added by a lower layer but removed by a higher layer (and therefore not present in the final container filesystem) will not appear in the BOM.
The downside of using this mode: if a component is added by a lower layer and removed by a higher layer, there is no evidence of that in the BDIO graph or the BOM.
To exclude removed components, set property bdio.include.removed.components=false
(the default).
Isolating application components
If you are interested in components from the application layers of your image, but not interested in components from the underlying platform layers, you can exclude components from platform layers from your results.
For example, if you build your application on ubuntu:latest (your Dockerfile starts with FROM ubuntu:latest), you can exclude components from the Ubuntu layer(s) so that the components generated by Black Duck Docker Inspector contain only components from your application layers.
Limitations to this feature
This feature works when the method you use to build your image adds layers on top of a base or platform image (single-stage builds). Here's an example of a Dockerfile that adds layers on top of a base image. This feature will work for images built this way:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install curl
The resulting image will include all layers from ubuntu:latest, plus an additional layer that adds the curl package. This feature is designed for this type of image, and will be able to isolate the layers added to ubuntu:latest (which in this case is a single layer that adds curl).
On the other hand, when you build an image using multiple FROM statements in the Dockerfile (multi-stage builds), the layers in the resulting image are not, in general, the layers of the first image followed by the layers of the second image. You can verify this by comparing the RootFS.Layers list of the resulting image to the RootFS.Layers lists of the images named in the FROM statements. (See below for instructions on how to get the RootFS.Layers list using the docker inspect command).
Here's an example of a Dockerfile that uses multiple FROM statements. This feature will not, in general, work for images built this way:
FROM ubuntu:latest
FROM myapplicationimage:mytag
How to use this feature
First, find the layer ID of the platform's top layer using the following process.
- Run the docker inspect command on the platform image. In this example, the platform image is ubuntu:latest,
so you would run
docker inspect ubuntu:latest
. - Find the last element in the RootFS.Layers array. This is the platform top layer ID. In the following example, this is sha256:b079b3fa8d1b4b30a71a6e81763ed3da1327abaf0680ed3ed9f00ad1d5de5e7c. (Because the latest tag moves frequently, the top layer ID for ubuntu:latest changes over time.)
Set the value of the Black Duck Docker Inspector property to the platform top layer ID. For example:
./ ...
In this mode, the container file system and/or container file system squashed image produced by Black Duck Docker Inspector
only contains files added to the image by application layers. If the Black Duck signature scanner is run on this file,
it generates results based only on files found on application layers. This provides the benefit of isolating
application components by excluding platform components. However, there may be some loss in match accuracy from the
signature scanner because in this scenario, the signature scanner may be deprived of some contextual
information, such as the operating system files that enable it to determine the Linux distribution.
This could negatively affect its ability to accurately identify components.
Inspecting Windows images on non-Windows systems
Running on a non-Windows system, Docker can neither pull nor build a Windows image. Consequently, you cannot run Black Duck Docker Inspector on a Windows Docker image using the either the docker.image or property. Instead, you must, using a Windows system, pull and save the target image as a .tar file, and pass that .tar file to Black Duck Docker Inspector using the docker.tar property.
Inspecting multiple images more efficiently by leaving services running
By default, Black Duck Docker Inspector starts, uses, and then stops and removes either one or two containerized image inspector services per run. This may be appropriate when scanning a single image, but when scanning many images it is highly inefficient, and it doesn't support concurrent execution of multiple Black Duck Docker Inspector runs.
The scanning of many images is completed significantly faster by starting the image inspector services once, and running multiple instances of Black Duck Docker Inspector, so that each one sends requests to the already-running image inspector services.
The following script illustrates how this is done in a Docker environment:
curl -O
To keep the example simple, this script only starts the Alpine image inspector service. In general, you must start two more services: the Ubuntu image inspector service for inspecting images built from dpkg-based Linux distros, and the CentOS image inspector service for inspecting images built from rpm-based Linux distributions. It doesn't matter which service receives the request; any service redirects if necessary.
Concurrent execution
You can inspect multiple images in parallel on the same computer if you (a) directly invoke the .jar file, and (b) leave the services running. For example:
# Get the latest
curl -O
chmod +x ./
# Determine the current Black Duck Docker Inspector version
inspectorVersion=$(grep "^version="|cut -d'"' -f2)
# Download the latest Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar file to the current dir
./ --pulljar
# Execute multiple inspections in parallel
java -jar ./blackduck-docker-inspector-${inspectorVersion}.jar --blackduck.url={Black Duck url} --blackduck.username={Black Duck username} --docker.image=alpine:3.5 --cleanup.inspector.container=false &
# Allow time for the image inspector service to start before starting the rest of the runs (do this for each image inspector type that you use: alpine, centos, ubuntu)
java -jar ./blackduck-docker-inspector-${inspectorVersion}.jar --blackduck.url={Black Duck url} --blackduck.username={Black Duck username} --docker.image=alpine:3.4 --cleanup.inspector.container=false &
java -jar ./blackduck-docker-inspector-${inspectorVersion}.jar --blackduck.url={Black Duck url} --blackduck.username={Black Duck username} --docker.image=alpine:3.3 --cleanup.inspector.container=false &
Alternative methods for setting property values
Black Duck Docker Inspector gets its property values from Spring Boot's configuration mechanism. Black Duck Docker Inspector users can leverage Spring Boot capabilities beyond command line arguments and environment variables; for example, hierarchy of property files and placeholders to manage properties in more sophisticated ways.
Passing passwords and other values with increased security
For greater security, sensitive property values such as passwords can be set through the environment variables using one of the Spring Boot configuration mechanisms previously mentioned.
For example, instead of passing --blackduck.password=mypassword on the command line, you can do the following:
export BLACKDUCK_PASSWORD=mypassword
./ --blackduck.url= --blackduck.username=myusername --docker.image=ubuntu:latest
Refer to Spring Boot's configuration mechanism for more information.
Air Gap mode
In Black Duck Docker Inspector versions 6.2.0 and higher, Black Duck provides an archive containing all files required to run Black Duck Docker Inspector without requiring access to the internet. To download the Air Gap archive, run the command:
./ --pullairgapzip
To create the Docker images from the Air Gap archive required by Black Duck Docker Inspector, run the commands:
unzip blackduck-docker-inspector-{version}
docker load -i blackduck-imageinspector-alpine.tar
docker load -i blackduck-imageinspector-centos.tar
docker load -i blackduck-imageinspector-ubuntu.tar
To run in Air Gap mode, use the command:
./ --upload.bdio=false --jar.path=./blackduck-docker-inspector-{version}.jar --docker.tar={tarfile}
Configuring Black Duck Docker Inspector for your Docker Engine and registry
If you invoke Black Duck Docker Inspector with an image reference; in other words, a repo:tag value versus a .tar file, it uses the docker-java library to access the Docker registry to pull the image.
If you can pull an image using docker pull from the command line, then you will be able to configure Black Duck Docker Inspector to pull that image. The docker-java library can often be configured the same way as the Docker command line utility (docker).
There are also other ways to configure docker-java. For more information on configuring docker-java (and therefore Black Duck Docker Inspector) for your Docker registry, refer to the docker-java configuration documentation.
For example, one way to configure your Docker registry username and password is to create a file in your home directory named that configures username and password:
If you need to override the DOCKER_HOST value, set property to false. When is set to false, Black Duck Docker Inspector does not override any of the configuration settings in the code, so all other docker-java configuration methods such as properties, system properties, and system environment, are available to you.
When is set to true (the default value) and Black Duck Docker Inspector is running on Windows, Black Duck Docker Inspector overrides only the DOCKER_HOST value (setting it to "npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine").
Running Synopsys Detect on a project directory that exists within a Docker image
When you want to run Synopsys Detect on a directory that exists within a Docker image, you can use the following approach: 1. Run Synopsys Detect on the image to generate the container filesystem for the image. 2. Run Synopsys Detect on a directory within that container filesystem.
Synopsys Detect performs these actions without running the image/container.
To see a simple example that illustrates this approach, use the following commands to download these sample files:
curl -O
curl -O
Review the script before running it to make sure the side effects (files and directories that it creates) are acceptable. You must make the script executable before you run it.
Running the signature scanner on a specific directory within a Docker image
To use iScan to scan a specific directory within an image:
- Run Black Duck Docker Inspector on the target image to get the container file system.
You can also do this using Synopsys Detect using
properties. Include the following Black Duck Docker Inspector properties:
--upload.bdio=false # disable BDIO upload
--output.include.containerfilesystem=true # tell DI to output the container file system
--output.path={your output dir} # tell DI where to put the output
- Locate the container file system in the output directory (*.tar.gz) and untar it.
- cd into the directory within the untared container file system that you want to scan.
- Invoke Synopsys Detect there.
Excluding files/directories from the returned container file system which excludes them from Synopsys Detect's signature scan
To exclude certain files and/or directories from the returned file system, you can specify that list of directories with the property --output.containerfilesystem.excluded.paths.
For example, if you are invoking Black Duck Docker Inspector from Synopsys Detect, and want Synopsys Detect to exclude the /etc and /usr/bin directories from the signature scan, you could run Synopsys Detect like this:
./ --detect.docker.image=ubuntu:latest --detect.docker.passthrough.output.containerfilesystem.excluded.paths=/etc,/usr/bin
Relocating Black Duck Docker Inspector's working directories
Docker Inspector uses 3 directories:
- One that downloads the Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar file into (controlled via environment variable DOCKER_INSPECTOR_JAR_DIR)
- One that Black Duck Docker Inspector shares with its image inspector containers (controlled via the shared.dir.path.local property)
- One for other files (controlled via properety working.dir.path)
By default, Black Duck Docker Inspector creates a temporary directory under /tmp for each purpose, but each directory can be relocated. If you want to avoid /tmp, you could relocate all three by doing something similar to this:
# mkdir /opt/tmp/jar # Create a dir for the Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar download
# mkdir /opt/tmp/working # Create a dir Black Duck Docker Inspector working dir
# mkdir /opt/tmp/shared # Create a dir that Black Duck Docker Inspector will share with its image inspector containers
export DOCKER_INSPECTOR_JAR_DIR=/opt/tmp/jar
./ --working.dir.path=/opt/tmp/working --shared.dir.path.local=/opt/tmp/shared ...
OCI Image support
Black Duck Docker Inspector supports OCI image archives (.tar files) passed to it via the docker.tar property.
Black Duck Docker Inspector derives the image repo:tag value for each manifest in the index.json file from an annotation with key '' if it is present.
If the OCI archive contains multiple images, Black Duck Docker Inspector constructs the target repo:tag from the values of properties docker.image.repo and docker.image.tag (if docker.image.tag is not set it defaults to "latest"), and looks for a manifest annotation with key '' that has value matching the constructed target repo:tag. If a match is found, Black Duck Docker Inspector inspects the matching image. If no match is found, or docker.image.repo is not set, Black Duck Docker Inspector fails.