
Running the latest version

The following command format always fetches and runs the latest version of Black Duck Docker Inspector:

bash <(curl -s {Black Duck Docker Inspector arguments}

For example:

bash <(curl -s --help
bash <(curl -s --upload.bdio=false --docker.image=ubuntu

An alternative is to download and run the latest Black Duck Docker Inspector script:

curl -O
chmod +x
./ {Black Duck Docker Inspector arguments}

The advantage of using the Black Duck Docker Inspector script is that it ensures that you are always running the latest version of the Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar.

Another alternative is to download the Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar (using the script) and run the .jar directly:

bash <(curl -s --pulljar
java -jar blackduck-docker-inspector-{version}.jar {Black Duck Docker Inspector arguments}

Running a specific version

By default, runs the latest version of Black Duck Docker Inspector by downloading, if necessary, and running the latest Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar. To run a specific version of Black Duck Docker Inspector:

./ {Black Duck Docker Inspector arguments}

For example:

./ --upload.bdio=false --docker.image=ubuntu:latest

Running the .jar file

The advantage of running is that it ensures that you always run the latest version of Black Duck Docker Inspector. However, sometimes it is better to run the .jar directly.

You can download any version of the Black Duck Docker Inspector .jar from

Use the following Java command to run it:

java -jar blackduck-docker-inspector-{version}.jar {Black Duck Docker Inspector arguments}

Inspecting an image by image repo:tag

To run Black Duck Docker Inspector on a Docker image from your local cache or a registry:

./ --docker.image={repo}:{tag}

If you omit the :{tag}, it defaults to :latest.

Inspecting an image saved to a .tar file

To run Black Duck Docker Inspector on a Docker image .tar file:

docker save -o {name}.tar {repo}:{tag}
./ --docker.tar={name}.tar

If your tar file contains multiple images, Black Duck Docker Inspector can only inspect one of them. You can specify the image to inspect using --docker.image.repo and --docker.image.tag. For example, to select ubuntu:latest from a .tar file that contains ubuntu:latest and other images:

./ --docker.tar=multipleimages.tar --docker.image.repo=ubuntu --docker.image.tag=latest

Inspecting a local image by image ID

When inspecting a local image, you have the option of specifying the image by its ID. First, get the image ID from the IMAGE ID column of the output of the docker images command. Then use the property to pass the image ID to Black Duck Docker Inspector:

./{image ID}

The method only works for local images.