
Architecture overview

Black Duck Docker Inspector uses up to three container-based image inspector services; one for each of the supported Linux package manager database formats.

The three image inspector services provide coverage of the three package manager database formats: DPKG, RPM, and APK. By default, Black Duck Docker Inspector submits its request to inspect the target image to the DPKG (Ubuntu) image inspector service. All services redirect to the appropriate image inspector service if it cannot handle the request. For example, if the target image is a Red Hat image, the Ubuntu inspector service, which cannot inspect a Red Hat image, redirects to the CentOS inspector service, which can inspect a Red Hat image. If you know that most of your images have either RPM or APK databases, you can improve performance by configuring Black Duck Docker Inspector to send requests to the CentOS (RPM) or Alpine (APK) image inspector service using the property imageinspector.service.distro.default.

In host mode (the default), Black Duck Docker Inspector automatically uses the Docker engine to pull as needed from Docker Hub the following three images: blackducksoftware/blackduck-imageinspector-alpine, blackducksoftware/blackduck-imageinspector-centos, and blackducksoftware/blackduck-imageinspector-ubuntu. Black Duck Docker Inspector starts those services as needed, and stops and removes the containers when Black Duck Docker Inspector exits. It uses a shared volume to share files, such as the target Docker image, between the Black Duck Docker Inspector utility and the three service containers.

In container mode, start the container running Black Duck Docker Inspector and the three image inspector container-based services such that all four containers share a mounted volume and can communicate with each other using HTTP GET operations using base URLs that you provide. For more information, refer to Deployment.

Execution phases

Host mode

In host mode, Black Duck Docker Inspector performs the following steps on the host:

  1. Pulls and saves the target image to a .tar file if you passed the image by repo:tag.
  2. Checks to see if the default image inspector service is running. If not, it pulls the inspector image and starts a container, mounting a shared volume.
  3. Requests the Black Duck input/output (BDIO) file and container file system by sending an HTTP GET request to the image inspector service.

The following steps are performed inside the image inspector container:

  1. Builds the container file system that a container has if you ran the target image. It does not run the target image.
  2. Determines the target image package manager database format, and redirects to a different image inspector service if necessary.
  3. Runs the image inspector's Linux package manager on the target image package manager database to get the list of installed packages.
  4. Produces and returns a BDIO (.jsonld) file consisting of a list of target image packages and, optionally, the container filesystem.

The following steps are performed back on the host when the request to the image inspector service returns:

  1. Uploads the BDIO file to Black Duck. Note that this can be disabled.
  2. Copies the output files to the output directory.
  3. Stops/removes the image inspector container. Note that this can be disabled.

Container mode

In container mode, you start four containers in such a way that they share a mounted volume and can reach each other through HTTP GET operations using base URLs that you provide:

  • One container for Black Duck Docker Inspector.
  • One container for each of the three image inspector services: Alpine, CentOS, and Ubuntu.

In container mode, you must provide the image in a .tar file created with the docker save command.

Black Duck Docker Inspector:

  1. Requests the Black Duck input/output (BDIO) file and container file system using HTTP from the default image inspector service using a base URL that you have provided.

The following steps are performed inside the image inspector container:

  1. Builds the container file system that a container has if you ran the target image. It does not run the target image.
  2. Determines the target image package manager database format, and redirects to a different image inspector service if necessary.
  3. Runs the image inspector's Linux package manager on the target image package manager database.
  4. Produces and returns a BDIO (.jsonld) file consisting of a list of target image packages and, optionally, the container filesystem.

The following steps are performed back in the Black Duck Docker Inspector container when the request to the image inspector service returns:

  1. Uploads the BDIO file to Black Duck. Note that this can be disabled.
  2. Copies the output files to the output directory.